Ecological building with Hydroflow

The Manhatten Tower in Tel Aviv, Israel, was built in 2009. It is a 40-story tower block holding 170 luxury apartments.

Edificio ecológico de 40 plantas
Ecological building with 40 floors

In 2011, The Manhatten Tower had already suffered the consequences of limescale in the heating system. There are three huge tanks under the building, 3 pumps that bring the water to the 40th floor. From the 40th floor, there are more pumps that serve from the 27th to the 40th.  The 1st to 26th floors are served by a gravity feed unit. .
Hydroflow in Israel  installed a HydroFLOW C120 after the water pumps and a HydroFLOW C160 after the gravity feed unit. This protects all the boilers, taps and appliances in every apartment in the building, as well as the gym building, which now also has a Super 38 (S38) to protect the Turkish bath from limescale.

Hydroflow C120

Hydroflow C160

Hydroflow S38
Netanya Towers

Netanya Towers is another project, which is made up of three 22-story buildings with 78 apartments each. Each building has a single HydroFLOW C120 to remove lime, at a cost of approximately 5,000 euros; a small price to pay for preventive maintenance, which could double the life of boilers and pipes and reduce heating costs significantly.

Heating costs

Heating are affected by limescale in two ways.  Firstly, water heaters do not work as efficiently. A new water heater can heat a tank in one hour. After a few years of use with a build-up of limescale, this time can increase to 3 or 4 hours.

Secondly,  limescale in the pipes absorbs the heat, making it necessary to use more energy to heat the water.  Over time, the pipes will become narrower as the limescale accumulates, which affects the flow and reduces the pressure in the shower water.

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